Chocolate shake vlcd 12-pack - måltidsersättning som smakar choklad på riktigt!

Chocolate shake vlcd 12-pack

410.00 kr

New updated Slanka 12-pack – Now 4 servings/day
“Great chocolate shake! I want to eat it every day,” said people spontaneously in our test panel. Nutritious but with few calories. Drink it hot or cold.

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SKU: 100101pack12 Category:

How many packs of 12-packs do I need?


Chocolate shake, 12-pack
Nutritious but with few calories. Great taste cold or hot. Try mixing with ice. Losing weight should taste good! Perfect for the ketogenic diet.
What’s new with new updated Slanka VLCD?
• Now contains more protein and fewer carbohydrates.
• The daily dose is 4 portions per day.
• A 12-pack is enough for 3 days when you follow the Maxi program.
• The price per daily dose is unchanged!
• In addition, you can now use Slanka updated VLCD product for up to 8 weeks without consulting your doctor.
Slanka VLCD products are a safe and easy way for effective and fast weight loss. Slanka VLCD contains all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements your body needs as well as all complete proteins.




Blanda påsens innehåll med ca 2,5 – 3 dl kallt vatten i en Slanka-shaker. Drick inom 10 minuter. Tips: Kall milkshake – gott med is i.

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